HiFuture FutureFit Apex Smartwatch - IP68, 2.04" - Black

HiFuture FutureFit Apex Smartwatch - IP68, 2.04" - Black
Termék szám:3005834
ELÉRHETŐSÉG:Out of stock 
Normál ár:   26.988,30 FT
1 pcs.:
Megmented:   1.365,10 FT
  • HiFuture FutureFit APEX Smartwatch (Black).

    The HiFuture APEX smartwatch perfectly combines modern design with advanced technology. Equipped with a 2.04-inch AMOLED display, it provides a clear picture, even in bright lighting conditions, and thanks to built-in sensors, it continuously monitors your health. You can use all its functions for a whole week without worrying about the need for frequent charging. It is water resistant (IP68), which means it can also accompany you during outdoor activities.

    HiFuture FutureFit Apex Smartwatch - IP68, 2.04

    Full control in your hands

    The watch is equipped with a 2.04-inch AMOLED display, which provides not only high image quality, but also incredibly intense and deep colors. With just a glance, you can check the number of calories burned and steps, as well as track your heart rate in real time. From its level, you can quickly check the number of steps and calories burned, as well as your current heart rate.

    HiFuture FutureFit Apex Smartwatch - IP68, 2.04

    Takes care of your health

    HiFuture APEX is a tool that will help you lead a healthier and more conscious lifestyle. The smartwatch monitors your heart rate around the clock, giving you constant control over your health. It also checks your blood oxygen levels, and with the stress monitoring feature, you can track your stress levels and learn how to better handle difficult situations. Sleep monitoring is also available to help you better understand how sleep affects your mood and performance.

    HiFuture FutureFit Apex Smartwatch - IP68, 2.04

    Ready for anything

    The HiFuture APEX smartwatch is ready to accompany you in all conditions! It's IP68 waterproof, which means you can wear it in the rain, during an intense workout at the gym, or even during water frenzies without worry. Now you can boldly head out for a bike ride, swim workout or jog, knowing that your smartwatch is safe.

    HiFuture FutureFit Apex Smartwatch - IP68, 2.04

    Your daily assistant

    HiFuture APEX keeps you informed of incoming messages, so you won't miss important calls or notifications. It allows you to make phone calls without having to take your smartphone out of your pocket, which is especially useful during outdoor activities. The smartwatch will also let you set an alarm, manage your music player, check the weather forecast or control your camera remotely.

    HiFuture FutureFit Apex Smartwatch - IP68, 2.04


    • smartwatch
    • magnetic charging cable
    • user manual
    Manufacturer HiFuture
    Model APEX
    Color Black
    Display 2.04" AMOLED
    Operating time Up to 7 days
    Waterproof IP68
    Application HiFuture Fit

    EAN: 6972576181411


"Refurbished" phone is perfect if you don't want to pay the full price to enjoy the pristine look of a device. It has no traces of wear and appears completely new.

It comes with a 2-year warranty.



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